Friday, June 3, 2011

Summery Weekend

Today I am going to watch the Hangover 2 with some friends. Then, on Saturday I am doing a community clean up in my subdivision and then going to the Relay for Life and then going to my soccer game which I will have to be watching because of my broken ankle:( and then on Sunday we are having a LOST marathon!! just because its like the best show ever! and that is my weekend! can't wait:)

Monday, April 11, 2011


This weekend was fun on friday, I stayed after school to get ready because we had a dance show. It went really well and Saturday, I had my soccer pictures and then a soccer game. We won 4-1. Then I had to go back to the studio to get dance pics done, after that I had friends over and had a LOST marathon. Then Sunday I just packed and got ready for our Costa Rica trip:)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back from the Break:)

During the Spring Break I had some dance practices and I went to Langley to visit my cousins and stayed there for a while. Then, when I came back I went to Big White and stayed in a condo up there and went skiing a afew other times too. And I found out that I am poor! I need to get more money in my account! But it was a good break from school!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break Plans

For the break I am going to go skiing a bunch and I have dance practices but also, I am going to Langley to visit my cousins for a bit and that should be fun and then we are going to the States to go shopping at all the outlet malls.  I am excited for the break because I can finally  sleep in and relax.